Resources to learn more about Animals

Welcome to our awesome “Resources” page, your gateway to a treasure trove of knowledge about the fascinating world of animals. We’ve gathered some incredible resources that will take your animal facts journey to the next level. So, buckle up and get ready to explore books, documentaries, websites, and much more that will leave you roaring with excitement (just like a lion!) Let’s dive in and discover a world of educational fun!

Note: If you have any suggestions for additional resources or notice any issues with the listed ones, we’d love to hear from you. Just drop us a line using the contact form. Now, let’s unleash the animal knowledge and let the adventure begin!


Ready to curl up with a good book and embark on an animal-filled adventure? We’ve got you covered with our handpicked selection of recommended books! These page-turners will whisk you away into the captivating world of animal facts, conservation, and the incredible stories that make our animal friends so extraordinary.

  1. “The Dog Owner’s Handbook: The Complete Guide to Choosing, Training, and Caring for Your Dog” by Caroline Smith:
    • A comprehensive guide covering everything from selecting the right breed to basic training, grooming, health care, and understanding canine behavior.
  2. “The Cat Owner’s Handbook: The Complete Guide to Choosing, Training, and Caring for Your Cat” by Dr. Bruce Fogle:
    • An informative resource that offers practical tips on cat care, including nutrition, behavior, litter box training, grooming, and creating a stimulating environment.
  3. “The Betta Bible: The Art and Science of Keeping Bettas” by Martin Brammah:
    • A detailed guide specifically focusing on betta fish, providing insights into their care, tank setup, feeding, breeding, and creating the optimal environment for these vibrant fish.
  4. “The Rabbit Handbook: Barron’s Pet Handbooks” by Karen Gendron:
    • An essential resource for rabbit owners, covering all aspects of rabbit care, including housing, feeding, health, grooming, and understanding their behavior.
  5. “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know” by Alexandra Horowitz:
    • Dive into the mind of man’s best friend as Horowitz explores the fascinating world of canine cognition, behavior, and emotions.
  6. “The Lion in the Living Room: How House Cats Tamed Us and Took Over the World” by Abigail Tucker:
    • Uncover the captivating history and unique relationship between humans and our furry feline companions in this delightful read.
  7. “The Secret Life of Sharks: A Leading Marine Biologist Reveals the Mysteries of Shark Behavior” by Peter Klimley:
    • Plunge into the depths of the ocean with Klimley as he unravels the secrets of shark behavior, dispels myths, and sheds light on these magnificent creatures.
  8. “The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution, and Ecology” by Gene Helfman, Bruce B. Collette, Douglas E. Facey, and Brian W. Bowen:
    • Explore the incredible diversity of fish species and gain a comprehensive understanding of their biology, evolution, and ecological significance.
  9. “The Horse: The Epic History of Our Noble Companion” by Wendy Williams:
    • Take a ride through time with Williams as she delves into the rich history, unique bond, and remarkable contributions of horses to human civilization.
  10. “The Guinea Pig Handbook” by Sharon Vanderlip, DVM:
    • A comprehensive guide to understanding and caring for these adorable small house pets, covering everything from diet and housing to health and behavior.

Documentaries and Videos:

Lights, camera, action! Get ready to sit back, relax, and enjoy some captivating animal documentaries and videos that will take you on a wild adventure. These visual treats provide an immersive experience, allowing you to witness the beauty, wonder, and sometimes hilarious moments of the animal kingdom. Here are a few recommendations to kick-start your animal-filled movie marathon:

  • “Planet Earth” series: This iconic documentary series takes you on an awe-inspiring journey across the globe, showcasing the breathtaking diversity of wildlife and their habitats. Prepare to be mesmerized by the stunning cinematography and jaw-dropping animal behaviors.
  • “The Cat From Hell” (TV series): Feline lovers, this one’s for you! Join cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy as he helps cat owners solve their kitty conundrums and brings harmony back to their homes. Packed with insightful tips and heartwarming moments, it’s a must-watch for cat enthusiasts.
  • “Blue Planet II”: Dive into the depths of the ocean alongside Sir David Attenborough in this stunning documentary series. Explore the mesmerizing marine life, from majestic sharks to colorful coral reefs, and gain a deeper understanding of our incredible underwater world.
  • “Dogs” (Netflix series): Prepare to be moved by heartwarming tales of the extraordinary bond between humans and dogs from around the world. This series celebrates the special connections we share with our four-legged friends and showcases their unwavering loyalty and love.
  • “My Octopus Teacher” (Netflix film): Embark on a unique and touching journey as filmmaker Craig Foster develops an unexpected friendship with an octopus in the waters of South Africa. This captivating documentary beautifully captures the wonders of the underwater world and the profound lessons learned from nature.

Educational Websites

Ready to explore the wild world of animals without leaving your comfy chair? Our selection of educational websites will be your virtual tour guide to fascinating animal facts, captivating images, and interactive experiences. Get ready to click, scroll, and learn with these paw-some recommendations:

  • American Kennel Club (AKC): The AKC website is a valuable resource for dog owners. It offers information on different breeds, training tips, health guidelines, and responsible dog ownership. You can also find upcoming events, participate in dog sports, and explore their extensive library of articles and resources.
  • The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA): Cat lovers will find a wealth of information on the CFA website. From breed profiles and care guides to health information and resources for cat shows, this site is a go-to destination for cat owners looking for comprehensive advice and support.
  • Fishkeeping World: For those interested in keeping fish as pets, Fishkeeping World provides expert advice and guidance on aquarium setup, fish species, tank maintenance, and aquatic care. It’s a fantastic resource for both beginner and experienced fishkeepers.
  • Bunnyhugga: Rabbit owners can hop over to Bunnyhugga for a wealth of information on rabbit care, behavior, nutrition, and housing. The website covers various topics related to rabbit health and well-being, ensuring that bunny owners have access to reliable and helpful advice.
  • Guinea Lynx: Specifically dedicated to guinea pig care, Guinea Lynx offers an abundance of information on nutrition, health, housing, and behavior for these adorable small pets. It’s a valuable resource for guinea pig owners seeking guidance on providing the best care possible.
  • National Geographic Kids: Join the animal adventure with National Geographic Kids! This website is a treasure trove of animal articles, fun quizzes, videos, and stunning photography that will ignite your curiosity and leave you wanting more.
  • The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Bird enthusiasts, rejoice! The Cornell Lab of Ornithology website is your go-to resource for all things avian. From bird identification and calls to live bird cams and citizen science projects, this site will make you chirp with excitement.
  • SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment: Dive into the oceanic wonders with SeaWorld’s educational website. Discover a world of marine life through interactive games, virtual tours, and educational resources that promote ocean conservation and appreciation.
  • Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute: Explore the wonders of wildlife with the Smithsonian’s National Zoo website. From adorable panda cams to educational resources about conservation and animal care, this site brings the zoo experience right to your screen.
  • Arkive: Immerse yourself in a vast collection of animal photos, videos, and information on Arkive. Discover rare and endangered species from around the world, learn about their habitats, and understand the importance of conservation efforts.

Animal Organizations and Initiatives

Join the movement and support animal organizations and initiatives that are making a real difference in the lives of our furry, scaly, and feathered friends. These organizations work tirelessly to promote animal welfare, conservation, and research.

  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF): Roaring for the protection of endangered species and the preservation of habitats, WWF is a global force for wildlife conservation. Join their mission to ensure a future where majestic creatures like tigers, elephants, and pandas can thrive.
  • ASPCA: Advocating for the well-being of animals across the United States, the ASPCA fights against animal cruelty, provides shelter and care, and promotes responsible pet ownership. Support their efforts to give voice to the voiceless.
  • Jane Goodall Institute: Inspired by the groundbreaking work of primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall, this institute is dedicated to protecting chimpanzees, preserving habitats, and empowering local communities. Get involved and help protect our closest animal relatives.
  • American Humane: With a mission to ensure the welfare and safety of animals, American Humane works to rescue animals in need, promote adoption, and provide vital support during emergencies and disasters. Be a hero for animals and support their life-saving initiatives.
  • Sea Turtle Conservancy: Dive into the world of sea turtles and support the Sea Turtle Conservancy, which focuses on research, conservation, and protection efforts for these incredible creatures. Help safeguard their nesting beaches and ensure their survival.

Community and Forums

Connect, share, and learn with like-minded individuals through online communities and forums dedicated to our furry, scaly, and feathery friends. Here’s your chance to join the conversation, ask questions, and bond with fellow animal lovers. Get ready to wag your virtual tail or purr with delight as you explore these vibrant communities:

  • Reddit r/Pets: Join the purr-fectly pawsome community of pet owners and enthusiasts on Reddit’s r/Pets. From heartwarming pet stories to advice on training, health, and behavior, this subreddit is a hub for all things pets. Share your experiences, seek guidance, and engage with fellow pet parents.
  • The Cat Site Forums: Meow it out on The Cat Site Forums, a feline-focused community where cat lovers come together to discuss their favorite whiskered companions. Share photos, seek advice, and connect with a community that understands your love for all things cat-related.
  • Fishlore: Dive into the deep end with Fishlore, an aquarium-focused forum where fishkeepers exchange tips, tricks, and insights on all things aquatic. From beginner questions to advanced topics, this community has a wealth of knowledge to help you create a thriving underwater world.
  • Backyard Chickens Forum: Whether you’re an urban farmer or a rural homesteader, the Backyard Chickens Forum is the place to cluck it up! Engage with fellow chicken enthusiasts, swap tips on raising backyard hens, and participate in discussions about coop construction, breed selection, and egg-citing chicken adventures.
  • Horse and Hound Forums: Giddy up and join the Horse and Hound Forums, an equestrian community where horse lovers come together to discuss riding, training, grooming, and all things equine. Saddle up for friendly discussions, seek advice from experienced riders, and share your passion for these majestic creatures.

Disclaimer and Note

Let’s pause for a quick moment, animal enthusiasts! While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it’s important to remember that the animal world is vast and ever-evolving. The information provided on our website and resources is intended for general knowledge and educational purposes only.

Always double-check and consult with professionals, such as veterinarians or animal experts, for specific advice related to your pet’s health, behavior, or any concerns you may have. Remember, each animal is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. So, use your animal instincts and make informed decisions for the well-being of your furry, scaly, or feathered friends!